ELEC0456-4 | | Electricity | | Holder |
| | - | Laboratory of Direct Current | | |
| | - | Electromagnétisme | | |
KPAB0003-1 | | Physics, Physics (Physique) | | Holder |
KPBI0001-1 | | Physics, Physics (Physique) | | Holder |
MATH2024-1 | | Mathematics - Solid Mechanics | | Holder |
| | - | Differential and Integral Calculus 2 | | |
| | - | Solid Mechanics | | |
MATH2024-2 | | Mathematics - Solid Mechanics, Solid Mechanics | | Holder |
PHYS3038-1 | | Wave Physics, Wave Physics 2 | | Holder |
PPPA0001-1 | | Perception and Production of Speech (including the physics of acoustics), Perception and Production of Speech (including the physics of acoustics) | | Holder |
SCIE0009-2 | | Basic Sciences 2, Wave Physics 1 | | Holder |
SCIE0009-5 | | Basic Sciences 2 | | Holder |
| | - | Organic Chemistry | | |
| | - | Wave Physics 1 | | |
SCIE0010-2 | | Applied Science 1 | | Holder |
| | - | Introduction to Finite Element Method | | |
| | - | Applied Science 1 | | |
SCIE0011-1 | | Applied Science 2 | | Holder |
| | - | Introduction to Operations Research | | |
| | - | Applied Science 2 | | |
STAT0002-1 | | Statistics (Biostatistics), Statistics (Biostatistics) | | Holder |