EDAA0003-2 | | Societal Approach 1 | | Holder |
| | - | Philosophy | | |
| | - | Cultural Diversity | | |
EDAD0002-4 | | Communication Approach 1 | | Holder |
| | - | Techniques of Speaking and Writing | | |
| | - | Body Expression | | |
EDBK0001-4 | | Communication Approach 2 | | Holder |
| | - | Written and Oral Expression Techniques | | |
| | - | Body Expression | | |
EDFZ0001-5 | | FW: Terminal Test | | Holder |
| | - | Year End Work | | |
| | - | FW Written and Oral Technique | | |
| | - | Seminars | | |
| | - | Sociologie | | |
| | - | Ecrits professionnels | | |
EDXF0002-1 | | Professional Training Workshops, Teaching | | Holder |
EDYU0001-4 | | Professional Integration | | Holder |
| | - | Practicum | | |
| | - | Documentary Research(Recherche documentaire 12h th + 3h TAE) | | |
| | - | Didactics | | |
| | - | Professional Writings | | |
EDZY0001-6 | | Professional Integration | | Holder |
| | - | Practicum | | |
| | - | Rencontre éducative | | |
| | - | Specific Practicum | | |
EPYT0001-1 | | LP, Proficiency in Spoken and Written French | | Holder |
JEBI0001-1 | | Exploring and Analysing Practices, Professional Integration Activity | | Holder |
PSBJ0001-1 | | Philosophical and Cultural Approach | | Holder |
| | - | Theoretical and Practical Approach to Cultural Diversity and the Dimension of Gender | | |
| | - | Philosophy and History of Religions | | |
| | - | Initiations to Arts and Culture | | |