IDPA0005-1 | | Care of the Person with an Abdominal Pathology, Care of the Person with an Abdominal Pathology | | Holder |
IDPH0003-1 | | Care of the Hospitalised Patient, Soin à la personne hospitalisée | | Holder |
IPCH0003-1 | | Care of the Surgical Patient, Care of the Surgical Patient (Soin au patient ayant subi une intervention chirurgicale) | | Holder |
IPFC1001-1 | | Clinical Nursing Foundations 1, Clinical Nursing Foundations 1 (Fondements de la clinique infirmière 1) | | Holder |
IPFC3001-2 | | Clinical Nursing Foundations 3, Clinical Nursing Foundations 3 (Fondements de la clinique infirmière 3) | | Holder |