CHIM9282-1 | | Chemistry Practicum | | Holder |
| | - | Project | | |
| | - | Chemistry laboratory 2 | | |
CHIM9299-1 | | Traitement des eaux, Traitement des eaux | | Holder |
COEN0001-1 | | Environmental Coordination, Environmental Coordination | | Holder |
CONS0004-3 | | Sustainable Construction 1 | | Holder |
| | - | Water and Waste Management | | |
| | - | Architecture et principes de conception durable | | |
| | - | Etude des matériaux durables et techniques de rénovation | | |
ECOL0002-1 | | Toxicology - Environmental Standards and Issues | | Holder |
| | - | Legal Aspects and Environmental Standards | | |
| | - | Toxicology and Ecotoxicology | | |
| | - | Multidisciplinary Approach to Environmental Issues | | |
ENVI0832-1 | | Analysis and Treatment of Air, Analysis and Treatment of Air | | Holder |
ENVI0833-1 | | Analysis and Treatment of Water, Analysis and Treatment of Water | | Holder |
ENVI0834-1 | | Analysis and Treatment of Soils, Analysis and Treatment of Soils | | Holder |
ENVI0835-1 | | Industrial Settings, Industrial Settings | | Holder |
INTP0014-1 | | Workplace Integration, Work Placement | | Holder |
MEMO0014-1 | | Final Year Project, Final Year Project | | Holder |
SCEN0002-2 | | Environmental Sciences 2 | | Holder |
| | - | Aménagement du territoire et de la mobilité | | |
| | - | Air - Water - Noise | | |
SUAF0001-1 | | Geography, Geography (Géographie 24H TH) | | Holder |