Study Programmes 2023-2024
Cycle view of the study programmeBlOrThPrOtCr
Master in physiotherapy
Compulsory courses (B1 : 60Cr)
 Conduct and Ethics, Conduct and Ethics - Patricia Capelle
 Law and Social Legislation, Law and Social Legislation - Patricia Capelle
 Examinations and Reports, Examinations and Reports - Denis Jacquemin, Laurent Jeanbaptiste, Philippe Maquet
 General and Clinical Psychology, General and Clinical Psychology - Sophie Rasier
 Special Techniques, Special Techniques - Hélène Beugnet, Sabrina Doyenard, Kévin Hoorens, Denis Jacquemin, Laurent Jeanbaptiste, Philippe Maquet
 Pathology Specialties, Pathology Specialties - Caroline COLLARD, Thomas Otte
 Medical Pathology, Medical Pathology - Bruno Dutrieux
 Psychopathology, Psychopathology - Hugues Theisen
 General, Special and Movement Physiology, General, Special and Movement Physiology - François De Bruycker
 Clinical Teaching / Practicum - Hélène Beugnet, Véronique Dalem - [670h Internship]
 Introduction to Scientific Writing - Gauthier Dorban
 Dissertation - Gauthier Dorban
 Biostatistics - Gauthier Dorban
 Research Methodology - Gauthier Dorban
 Computer Science in Statistics Processing - Gauthier Dorban
 Principles of Office Administration, Principles of Office Administration - Kévin Hoorens
Optional free courses
 Citizen Involvement in the Life of the Institution, Citizen Involvement in the Life of the Institution - Bénédicte Léonard - [90h AUTR]