BIOL2040-1 | | Microbiology, Microbiology | | Holder |
BIOL2041-1 | | Genetic Engineering, Genetic Engineering | | Holder |
CHIM9282-1 | | Chemistry Practicum | | Holder |
| | - | Project | | |
| | - | Chemistry laboratory 2 | | |
ECOL0002-1 | | Toxicology - Environmental Standards and Issues | | Holder |
| | - | Legal Aspects and Environmental Standards | | |
| | - | Toxicology and Ecotoxicology | | |
| | - | Multidisciplinary Approach to Environmental Issues | | |
ECOL0003-2 | | Study of Living Matter, Biology | | Holder |
ECOL0004-1 | | Développement durable, Ecologie - Développement durable | | Holder |
ENVI0829-2 | | Développement Durable | | Holder |
| | - | Ecologie | | |
| | - | Laboratoire d'énergies renouvelables | | |
| | - | Exploitation des énergies renouvelables | | |
ENVI0830-1 | | Biology, Biology | | Holder |
INTP0008-1 | | Workplace Integration, Practicum | | Holder |
MEMO0013-1 | | Final Work, Final Work | | Holder |
REME0001-1 | | Remédiation-Méthodologie éco, Remédiation - Méthodologie éco | | Holder |
REME0002-1 | | Remédiation-Méthodologie péda, Remédiation-Méthodologie péda | | Holder |
REME0003-1 | | Remédiation-Méthodologie santé, Remédiation-Méthodologie santé | | Holder |
REME0004-1 | | Remédiation-Méthodologie tech, Remédiation-Méthodologie tech | | Holder |
SCAP0002-1 | | Applied Sciences 2 | | Holder |
| | - | Toxicology and Dangerous Substances | | |
| | - | Industrial Procedures | | |