EDAD0002-4 | | Communication Approach 1 | | Holder |
| | - | Techniques of Speaking and Writing | | |
| | - | Body Expression | | |
EDBL0001-3 | | Wellness and Health Approach | | Holder |
| | - | Anatomy, Biology and Physiology | | |
| | - | Health and Hygiene | | |
| | - | Initiation à la sécurité et prévention des accidents | | |
EDEX0002-3 | | Special Accompaniment | | Holder |
| | - | Psychology of Aggression and Conflict | | |
| | - | Bodily Accompaniment of Violence | | |
| | - | Techniques to Promote Kindness in Everyday Life | | |
EPCA0001-1 | | Technical and Didactic Theory of Physical and Sports Education 1 | | Holder |
| | - | Athletics | | |
| | - | Swimming | | |
| | - | Technical Theory of Rhythmic Activities | | |
EPCB0001-1 | | Technical and Didactic Theory of Physical and Sports Education 2 | | Holder |
| | - | Team Sports | | |
| | - | Gymnastics | | |
EPEE0001-1 | | Technical and Didactic Theory of Physical and Sports Education 5 | | Holder |
| | - | Athletics | | |
| | - | Boys¿ Gymnastics | | |
| | - | Boys¿ Team Sports | | |
| | - | Rhythmic Activity | | |
EPEU0002-1 | | Methodology of Basic Education 3 | | Holder |
| | - | Psychomotricity Adapted to Nursery Education | | |
| | - | Technical Theory Specific to School Populations | | |
| | - | Methodology of PSA Adapted to Primary School 3 | | |
PRDO0001-1 | | The Head and Legs | | Holder |
| | - | Body Education and Psychomotricity | | |
| | - | History | | |
| | - | French | | |
PSAF0001-1 | | Gymnastics - Methodology, Gymnastics - Methodology for Boys | | Holder |
PSAH0001-1 | | Fundamentals of Team Sports, Fundamentals of Team Sports for Boys | | Holder |
PSBN0001-1 | | Gymnastics - Methodology, Methodology, Boys¿ Gymnastics | | Holder |
PSBN0001-2 | | Gymnastics - Methodology, Girls¿ Gymnastics | | Holder |
PSDF0001-1 | | Creativity for Learning | | Holder |
| | - | Exploring the Different Resources of the Cultural, Political, Economic and Social World | | |
| | - | Teaching for Creativity or Creativity for Teaching | | |
| | - | Outdoor Activities | | |
| | - | Professional Integration Activities | | |
PSXU0001-1 | | Dispositifs pédagogiques - Approche inclusive en éducation physique | | Holder |
| | - | Psychologie des apprentissages, différenciation et accompagnement personnalisé de chaque élève : accompagnement méthodologique | | |
| | - | L'évaluation au service de l'apprenant et de la différenciation | | |
| | - | Quels outils pour différencier ? | | |
| | - | Les TICES au service des apprentissages et de la différenciation | | |
| | - | Approche inclusive en éducation physique | | |
| | - | Ateliers de formations professionnelles | | |
| | - | Stage | | |
STAC0001-1 | | Subject-Specific and Didactics Professional Training Workshops, Professional Training Workshops | | Holder |
STXG0001-1 | | Améliorer sa pratique et ses leçons/réflexivité | | Holder |
| | - | Analyse critique de textes scientifiques | | |
| | - | Séminaire d'analyse de pratiques | | |
| | - | Ateliers de formations professionnelles | | |
| | - | Stage | | |