Study Programmes 2023-2024
Bachelier en électromécanique, orientation climatisation et technique du froid
Cycle view of the study programmeBlOrThPrOtCr
Compulsory courses (B1 : 60Cr, B2 : 34Cr, B3 : 37Cr)
 Basic Sciences 1
 Physics - Alain Thiry
 Thermodynamics 1 - Pierre Cartry
 Applied Mathematics 1, Applied Mathematics 1
 General Electricity
 Electricity 1 - Marc Durieux
 Electricity 2 - Anthony Poncelet
 Drawings and Techniques
 Heating Technology - Thierry Gobin
 Drawing - Edouard Van Parijs
 Electricity and Electronics
 Home Electricity - Thierry Gobin
 Electronics - Marc Carlini
 Basic Sciences 2
 Thermodynamics 2 - Patricia Jacquemin
 Chemistry 1 - Jérôme Louis
 Applied Mathematics 2, Applied Mathematics 2 - Patricia Jacquemin
 Material Sciences
 Knowledge of Materials - Edouard Van Parijs
 Resistance of Materials - Patricia Jacquemin
 Automation and Systems
 Pneumatic - Damien Lecart
 Automatic 1 - Simon Englebert
 Logic and Programming - Marc Carlini
 CAD drawing, CAD - Damien Lecart, Edouard Van Parijs
 Electrical Engineering
 Electricity and Applied Electronics - Marc Carlini
 Electrical Engineering - Thierry Gobin, Patricia Jacquemin
 Language 1, English 1 - Jessica Vervalcke
 Chemistry, Chemistry 2 - Jérôme Louis
 Automated Systems 2
 Home Automation - Marc Carlini
 Building Management - Marc Carlini
 Installation of HVAC Systems
 Heating and Sanitary Applications - Edouard Van Parijs
 Installation of Refrigerating Systems - Thierry Gobin
 Welding Technology - Edouard Van Parijs
 Oil and Gas Heating Laboratories 1 - Edouard Van Parijs
 Language 2, English 2 - Jessica Vervalcke
 Practicum, Practicum - Yves Satinet - [180h Internship]
 Management and Law
 Accounting - Management 1
 Management, Accounting - Management 2
 Final Work, Final Work - Yves Satinet - [180h AUTR]
Optional courses (B2 : 26Cr, B3 : 23Cr)
Choose the focus (B2 : 26Cr, B3 : 23Cr)
Air conditioning and refrigeration (B2 : 26Cr, B3 : 23Cr)
 Applied Sciences
 Technical Thermodynamics - Yves Satinet
 Hydraulics - Damien Lecart
 Automated Systems 1
 Automatic 2 - Simon Englebert
 Servo Control - Yves Satinet
 Electrical Schematics - Marc Carlini
 Capteurs et instrumentation - Yves Satinet
 HVAC installations
 Air Conditioning - Thierry Gobin
 Heating Theory - Thierry Gobin
 Refrigeration Technology - Thierry Gobin
 Engineering and Design Offices
 Projects and Consulting Firms 1
 Projects and Consulting Firms 2
 Sanitary Facilities
 Maintenance of HVAC Systems
 Fuel Oil and Gas Heating Laboratories 2
 Troubleshooting and Maintenance of Installations
 Maintenance of HVAC Systems, Industrial Maintenance
 Environmental Aspects
 Renewable Energy Laboratory
 Exploitation des énergies renouvelables
 BIM, Use of BIM in Special Techniques
Optional free courses (B1 : 2Cr, B2 : 3Cr)
 Remedial Classes - Methodology, Remedial Classes - Methodology - Anne Daugimont, Isabelle Lambert, Vanessa Leblanc, Johanne Renauld
 Citizen Involvement in the Life of the Institution, Citizen Involvement in the Life of the Institution - Bénédicte Léonard - [90h AUTR]