Study Programmes 2024-2025
Bachelor's degree in Prevention, industrial safety and environment
Block view of the study programmeOrThPrOtCr
Block 1
Compulsory courses
 Human Sciences 1
 Risk Management 1
 Well-Being at Work and Safety 1
 QHSE Management
 Basic Sciences 1
 Mathematics - Vincent Thomas
 Software Tools
 Applied Sciences 1
 Mechanics and Study of Materials
 Communication 1, Communication
 Technological Sciences 1
 Workplaces and Protective Equipment
 Workplaces and Machine Safety
 Project 1
 Workplace Well-Being and Safety 2
 Seminars and Project 1 - [36h TAE]
 Basic Sciences 2
 Human Physiology
 Human and Social Science 1, Human Resources Management - Étienne Mehu
 Languages 1, Languages - English - Jessica Vervalcke
 Basic Sciences 3, Chemistry
Optional free courses
 Remédiation-Méthodologie tech, Remédiation-Méthodologie tech - Valérie Jusseret, Audrey Lequeux, Patricia Pierson, Nathalie Van de Woestyne
 Citizen Involvement in the Life of the Institution, Citizen Involvement in the Life of the Institution - Bénédicte Léonard - [90h AUTR]
 Implication citoyenne dans le développement durable , Implication citoyenne dans le développement durable (Implication citoyenne dans le développement durable) - Maxime Mottet
 Erasmus BIP, Erasmus Beep - Claire Collard
Block 2
Compulsory courses
 Environmental Sciences 1
 Environmental Sciences - Generalities
 Déchets - Sol
 Communication 2, Communication 2 - Étienne Mehu
 Human Sciences and Management
 QHSE Management 2 - Marc Durieux
 Organisation d'entreprise et comptabilité - Manuel Quintana
 Technological Sciences 2
 Risk Management 2 - Maureen Chamillard
 Introduction to CTM - Maureen Chamillard
 Applied Sciences 2
 Toxicology and Dangerous Substances - Anne Daugimont
 Industrial Procedures - Jérôme Louis, Sophie Matagne
 Basic Science 4
 Fire and Explosion
 Chemistry Laboratory
 Environmental Sciences 2
 Aménagement du territoire et de la mobilité
 Air - Water - Noise - Alain Hanson
 Seminars and Project 2
 Séminaires et projet 2 - Claude Scheuren
 Sensibilisation et motivation à la sécurité - Alain Lagarmitte
 Languages 2, Languages - Jessica Vervalcke
 Environmental Coordination, Environmental Coordination - Alain Hanson
Optional courses
Choose one option from the following :
Prevention Advisor, Health and Safety Coordinator on temporary or mobile construction sites
 Health and Safety Coordinator CSS1
 CTM Legislation (Temporary or Mobile Construction Sites) - Maureen Chamillard, Michael Plainchamp
 Construction Techniques - Géraldine Pety
 Health and Safety Coordinator CSS 2, Safety Coordination of Construction Sites
Environmental consultant
 Environmental Management 1, Environmental Sciences Supplement - Cécile CAVALADE
 Environmental Management 2, Introduction to Environmental Management - Claude Scheuren
Block 3
Compulsory courses
 Technological Sciences 3
 Risk Management 3 - Alain Lagarmitte
 Planification d'urgence - Maximilien Gueibe
 Social Sciences 1
 Social Sciences 1 - Kadri CELA
 Psychosocial Risks - Sophie Matagne
 Ergonomics and Hygiene
 Ergonomics - Basic Knowledge - Alexandre Lemaire
 Hygiene - Health
 Labour and Liability Law
 Applications of European Framework Directives - Philippe Dachelet
 Languages 3, Languages - Jessica Vervalcke
 First Aid, Industrial First Aid
 Workplace Integration, Work Placement - Alain Hanson - [14w Internship]
 Final Year Project, Final Year Project - Alain Hanson - [240h AUTR]
Optional courses
Choose one option from the following :
Prevention Advisor, Health and Safety Coordinator on temporary or mobile construction sites
 Health and Safety Coordinator CSS 3, Coordination Project
Environmental consultant
 Environmental Management 3
 Environmental Law
 Environmental Management