PSAE0002-2 | | Introduction to French Didactics | | Holder |
| | - | Oral and Written Proficiency of French | | |
| | - | French | | |
PSBF0001-2 | | Introduction to Narrative | | Holder |
| | - | Oral and Written Proficiency of French | | |
| | - | French Including Theatre | | |
PSDO0002-1 | | French-PMO-Maths Interdisciplinary Training | | Holder |
| | - | French | | |
| | - | Mathematics | | |
| | - | Psychomotricity Including Theatre | | |
PSET0001-2 | | French Interdisciplinary Training - PMO - Music | | Holder |
| | - | Psychomotricity | | |
| | - | Music Education | | |
| | - | French | | |
PSFW0002-1 | | Interdisciplinary Training French-Plastic Arts-Maths-Music | | Holder |
| | - | Education plastique | | |
| | - | French | | |
| | - | Mathematics | | |
| | - | Music Education | | |
PSYS0001-3 | | PIA2 | | Holder |
| | - | Teaching Placements | | |
| | - | Professional Training Workshops | | |
PSZY0001-2 | | PIA 3 Placements | | Holder |
| | - | Teaching Placements | | |
| | - | Professional Training Workshops | | |
| | - | Différenciation des apprentissages, notions d'orthopédagogie et détection des difficultés. | | |
| | - | Computer Use and the Contribution of Media and ICT to Teaching | | |
SUAD0001-1 | | French, French (Français 24H TH) | | Holder |
SUBK0001-2 | | The Teaching Mindset - Fostering a Love for Learning - Reflection | | Holder |
| | - | Developmental Psychology(Psychologie du développement 18H TH) | | |
| | - | Learning: Psychology and Methodology(L'apprentissage : psychologie et méthodologie 18H TH) | | |
| | - | Professional Training Workshops(Ateliers de formation professionnelle 36h PR) | | |
| | - | Placement(Stage 24h ST) | | |
| | - | Introduction to Languages(Eveil aux langues 24h TH) | | |
SUBL0001-1 | | The Teacher as a Social, Educational, Cultural and Institutional Stakeholder | | Holder |
| | - | The School Institution and its Network of Stakeholders(L'institution scolaire et son réseau d'acteurs 12H TH) | | |
| | - | Documentary Research(Recherche documentaire 12H TH) | | |
SUBN0001-1 | | French, French (Français 24H TH) | | Holder |
SUCX0001-1 | | Professional Writing, Professional Writing (Ecrits professionnels 12H TH) | | Holder |
SUCZ0002-1 | | Français, Français (Français 36H TH) | | Holder |
SUDJ0001-1 | | French - Digital Technology | | Holder |
| | - | French(Français 12H TH) | | |
| | - | Digital Technology(Numérique 12H TH) | | |
SUWT0001-1 | | Language Proficiency, Proficiency in French (Maîtrise de la langue française 60H TH) | | Holder |
SUXG0001-1 | | Improving Your Teaching Practices and Lessons/Reflection | | Holder |
| | - | Critical Analysis of Scholarly Texts(Analyse critique de textes scientifiques 18H TH) | | |
| | - | Practice Analysis Seminar(Séminaire d'analyse de pratiques 18H PR) | | |
| | - | Professional Training Workshops(Ateliers de formation professionnelle 12H PR) | | |
| | - | Placement(Stage 48H ST) | | |
SUXU0001-1 | | Teaching Resources - French | | Holder |
| | - | Psychology of Learning, Differentiation and Individualised Support for Each Pupil: Methodology Guidance(Psycho app,différ et acc pers de chaq élè : acc méth 24H TH) | | |
| | - | Assessment for Learners and Differentiation(L'évaluation au service de l'apprenant et de la différenciation 24H TH) | | |
| | - | Tools for Differentiation(Quels outils pour différencier ? 12H TH) | | |
| | - | Educational ICTs for Learning and Differentiation(Les TICES au service des apprentissages et de la différenciation 12H TH) | | |
| | - | Differentiating in French(Comment différencier en français ? 12H TH) | | |
| | - | Professional Training Workshops(AFP 36H PR) | | |
| | - | Placement(Stage 72H ST) | | |