Study Programmes 2024-2025
Bachelier en accueil et éducation du jeune enfant
Cycle view of the study programmeBlOrThPrOtCr
Compulsory courses (B1 : 60Cr, B2 : 60Cr, B3 : 60Cr)
 Me in the Profession
 Professional Identity - Isabelle Lambert
 Essential Tools for Early Years Childcare - Isabelle Lambert
 Elements of Ethics and Code of Professional Conduct - Isabelle Lambert
 Developing a Critical Perspective
 Introduction to Observation Methods - Isabelle Lambert
 Developing a Critical Perspective - Caroline Aoust
 Physical Care Routines: Focus on Children Aged 0¿1
 Health Training
 Psychoeducational Training - Audrey MAHIEU
 Social Training
 Physical Care Routines: Focus on Children Aged 1¿3
 Health Training - Valérie GHYS
 Psychoeducational Training - Isabelle Lambert
 Social Training - Nathaelle Balfroid
 Exploring and Analysing Practices
 Developing a Critical Perspective - Guillaume VIATOUR
 Professional Integration Activity
 Documenting Your Practices
 Understanding the Documentation Process: Role and Challenges - Isabelle Lambert
 Exploring Visual and Textual Culture - Nathaelle Balfroid
 Ensuring Documentation Processes Respect the Law and the Individual: Ethical and Professional Conduct Considerations - Carole Delforge
 Respectful Communication: Choice of Communication Standards - Carole Delforge
 Mealtimes, An Important Time for Child Development I
 Health Training - Christine Gruslin, Sylviane Jeanty
 Psychoeducational Training - Alisson Simon
 Social Training - Nathaelle Balfroid
 Mealtimes, An Important Time for Child Development II
 Health Training - Michel MAREE, Jessica VAN MUYSEN
 Psychoeducational Training - Audrey MAHIEU
 Social Training
 Exploring and Analysing Practices, Professional Integration Activity - Isabelle Lambert, Yannick Pierre, Karine WENER
 Immersive Observation, Participative Work Shadowing - Audrey FRANCOIS, Isabelle Lambert - [144h Internship]
 Me in the Profession
 Structured Learning and Independent Activities: Professional Perspectives Versus Parental Perspectives - Guillaume VIATOUR
 Public Policy Analysis
 Philosophy and Ethics of the Profession: Where Do You Position Yourself?
 Structured Learning and Independent Activities I
 Health Training - Sylviane Jeanty
 Psychoeducational Training - Alisson Simon
 Social Training - Nathaelle Balfroid
 Structured Learning and Independent Activities II
 Health Training - Guillaume MIDAVAINE
 Psychoeducational Training - Guillaume VIATOUR
 Social Training
 Verbal and Written Communication
 Participative Integration, Participative Integration Placement - Isabelle Lambert, Anouchka MAILLEUX - [144h Internship]
Prerequisite :
JEAA0001-1 - Moi dans le métier
JEAE0001-1 - Temps d'analyse des pratiques
JEXK0001-1 - Observation immersive
 Exploring and Analysing Practices, Professional Integration Activity - Isabelle Lambert, Anouchka MAILLEUX
 Microtransitions: Introduction
 Psychoeducational Training - Guillaume VIATOUR
 Social Training
 Times of Transition for Children and Families
 Psychoeducational Training - Isabelle Lambert
 Social Training - Nathaelle Balfroid
 Participative Integration, Participative Integration Placement - Isabelle Lambert - [216h Internship]
 Exploring and Analysing Practices and Introduction to Research
 Practice Analysis Seminars - Guillaume VIATOUR
 Introduction to Research - Jessica VAN MUYSEN
 Supporting Parenthood
 Biomedical Approach
 Psychoeducational Approach
 Societal Approach
 Working in a Team
 Biomedical Approach
 Societal Approach
 Psychoeducational Approach
 Professional Practices, Placement - [216h Internship]
Prerequisite :
JECP0001-1 - Temps d'analyse des pratiques
JECM0001-1 - Les temps d'éveil et d'activités autonomes I
JECO0001-1 - Intégration participative
 Exploring and Analysing Practices and Introduction to Research
 Practice Analysis Seminars
 Introduction to Research
 Working in a Network I
 Societal Approach
 Biomedical Approach
 Working in a Network II
 Societal Approach
 Biomedical Approach
 Psychoeducational Approach
 Research Project on the Quality of Early Years Childcare, Final Year Project
 Me in the Profession
 Identity and Career Plan
 Professional Ethics: What are the Limits of My Intervention?
 Professional Integration Activity
Optional free courses (B1 : 8Cr)
 Remédiation-Méthodologie péda, Remédiation-Méthodologie péda - Valérie Jusseret, Audrey Lequeux, Patricia Pierson, Nathalie Van de Woestyne
 Citizen Involvement in the Life of the Institution, Citizen Involvement in the Life of the Institution - Bénédicte Léonard - [90h AUTR]
 Implication citoyenne dans le développement durable , Implication citoyenne dans le développement durable (Implication citoyenne dans le développement durable) - Maxime Mottet
 Erasmus BIP, Erasmus Beep - Claire Collard