FEAG0001-1 | | Philosophy and Citizenship Education (EPC) I, Philosophy and Citizenship Education | | Holder |
FEBK0001-2 | | Posture enseignante - Plaisir d'apprendre - Réflexivité - Français | | Holder |
| | - | Psychologie du développement | | |
| | - | L'apprentissage : psychologie et méthodologie | | |
| | - | Ateliers de formations professionnelles | | |
| | - | Stage | | |
| | - | Français | | |
FEBN0001-1 | | Linguistics: Lexical Heritage of Latin and Greek | | Holder |
| | - | French Component | | |
| | - | Ancient Languages Component | | |
FEBQ0001-1 | | Philosophy and Citizenship Education (EPC) II, Philosophy and Citizenship Education | | Holder |
FECA0001-1 | | Philosophy and Citizenship Education (EPC) III, Philosophy and Citizenship Education | | Holder |
FECL0001-1 | | French-Latin | | Holder |
| | - | French | | |
| | - | Latin | | |
FECM0001-1 | | Disciplinary and Didactic Knowledge of Disciplines I | | Holder |
| | - | PCE | | |
| | - | French | | |
FEDI0001-1 | | Philosophy and Citizenship Education (EPC) IV, Philosophy and Citizenship Education | | Holder |
FEDP0001-1 | | Disciplinary and Didactic Knowledge of Disciplines II | | Holder |
| | - | PCE | | |
| | - | French | | |
FEEU0001-1 | | Disciplinary and Didactic Knowledge of Disciplines III | | Holder |
| | - | French | | |
| | - | PCE | | |
| | - | History of Art | | |
FEFW0002-1 | | Philosophy and Citizenship Education (EPC) VI, Philosophy and Citizenship Education | | Holder |
FEXU0001-1 | | Dispositifs pédagogiques - Français | | Holder |
| | - | Psychologie des apprentissages, différenciation et accompagnement personnalisé de chaque élève : accompagnement méthodologique. | | |
| | - | L'évaluation au service de l'apprenant et de la différenciation | | |
| | - | Quels outils pour différencier ? | | |
| | - | Les TICES au service des apprentissages et de la différenciation | | |
| | - | Comment différencier en français ? | | |
| | - | Ateliers de formations professionnelles | | |
| | - | Stage | | |
FFBN0001-1 | | Linguistics: Lexical Heritage of Latin and Greek | | Holder |
| | - | French Component | | |
| | - | Ancient Languages Component | | |
FMBN0001-1 | | Linguistics: Lexical Heritage of Latin and Greek | | Holder |
| | - | French Component | | |
| | - | Ancient Languages Component | | |
FMBQ0001-1 | | Moral Education II, Moral Education | | Holder |
PRYC0001-1 | | Option PCE (Block 2), Didactics of the PCE | | Holder |
PRYQ0001-3 | | Professional Integration Activities for Vocational Training and the Media | | Holder |
| | - | Vocational Training Workshops | | |
| | - | Computer Use and the Contribution of Media and ICT in to Teaching | | |
| | - | Ouverture de l'école sur l'extérieur | | |
PRYR0001-3 | | Professional Integration Activities Dedicated to Practicum | | Holder |
| | - | Vocational Training Workshops | | |
| | - | Teaching Practicum | | |
PRZD0001-1 | | Option PCE (Block 3), Didactics of the PCE | | Holder |
PRZY0001-3 | | Professional Integration Activities Dedicated to Practicum | | Holder |
| | - | Teaching Practicum | | |
| | - | Vocational Training Workshop | | |
| | - | Computer Use and the Contribution of Media and ICT to Teaching | | |
RSXK0001-1 | | Professional Integration Activities | | Holder |
| | - | Vocational Training Workshops | | |
| | - | Teaching Practicum | | |
RSYR0001-1 | | PIA Dédicated ton Professional Training and Media | | Holder |
| | - | Professional Training Workshops | | |
| | - | Computer Use and Contribution of the Media and IT in Teaching | | |
RSYS0001-2 | | PIA dédicated to Placements | | Holder |
| | - | Teaching Practicum | | |
| | - | Opening the School to the Outside World [BR] | | |
RSZX0001-2 | | FW | | Holder |
| | - | Final Work Including FW Writing, Long Productions | | |
| | - | Neutrality Training | | |
| | - | Differentiation of Learning, Notions of Orthopaedagogy and Detection of Learning Difficulties | | |
| | - | Development of the Professional Project | | |
| | - | Specific Practicum | | |
RSZY0001-1 | | PIA Dedicated to Practicum | | Holder |
| | - | Teaching Practicum | | |
| | - | Vocational Training Workshops | | |
SDBT0001-1 | | Philosophy and Citizenship Education (EPC), Philosophy and Citizenship Education (Education à la philosophie et à la citoyenneté 36h TH) | | Holder |
SDXG0001-1 | | Improving Your Teaching Practices and Lessons/Reflection | | Holder |
| | - | Critical Analysis of Scholarly Texts(Analyse critique des textes scientifiques 18h TH) | | |
| | - | Practice Analysis Seminar(Séminaire d'analyse de pratiques 18h TH) | | |
| | - | Professional Training Workshops(Ateliers de formation professionnelle 12h PR) | | |
| | - | Placement(Stage 48h ST) | | |
SDXU0001-1 | | Dispositifs pédagogiques - FLE | | Holder |
| | - | Psychologie des apprentissages, différenciation et accompagnement personnalisé de chaque élève : accompagnement méthodologique(Psychologie des apprentissages, différenciation et accompagnement personnalisé de chaque élève : accompagnement méthodologique 24h TH) | | |
| | - | L'évaluation au service de l'apprenant et de la différenciation(L'évaluation au service de l'apprenant et de la différenciation 24h TH) | | |
| | - | Quels outils pour différencier ?(Quels outils pour différencier ? 12h TH) | | |
| | - | Les TICES au service des apprentissages et de la différenciation(Les TICES au service des apprentissages et de la différenciation 12h TH) | | |
| | - | Comment différencier en français langue étrangère ?(Comment différencier en français langue étrangère ? 12h TH) | | |
| | - | Ateliers de formations professionnelles(Ateliers de formations professionnelles 36h PR) | | |
| | - | Stage(Stage 72h ST) | | |
STAC0001-1 | | Subject-Specific and Didactics Professional Training Workshops, Professional Training Workshops | | Holder |
STXG0001-1 | | Améliorer sa pratique et ses leçons/réflexivité | | Holder |
| | - | Analyse critique de textes scientifiques | | |
| | - | Séminaire d'analyse de pratiques | | |
| | - | Ateliers de formations professionnelles | | |
| | - | Stage | | |
SUDH0001-1 | | Philosophy and Citizenship Education (EPC), Philosophy and Citizenship Education (Education à la philosophie et à la citoyenneté 24H TH) | | Holder |