Cycle view of the study programme | Bl | Or | Th | Pr | Ot | Cr |
Compulsory courses
(B1 : 60Cr, B2 : 60Cr, B3 : 49Cr)
| KPAA0002-1 | | Introduction to anatomy, Intro to anatomy - Catherine Staudt | B1 | Q1 | 25 | 10 | - | 4 |
| | Introduction to anatomy, Intro to anatomy - Catherine Staudt |
| KPAB0003-1 | | Physics, Physics (Physique) - Cédric Troessaert | B1 | Q1 | 45 | 12 | - | 5 |
| | Physics, Physics (Physique) - Cédric Troessaert |
| KPAC0002-1 | | Chemistry, Chemistry - Catherine Staudt | B1 | Q1 | 40 | 12 | - | 5 |
| | Chemistry, Chemistry - Catherine Staudt |
| KPAD0002-1 | | Musculoskeletal Anatomy, Loco Anatomy - Carl Poncin | B1 | Q1 | 30 | 10 | - | 5 |
| | Musculoskeletal Anatomy, Loco Anatomy - Carl Poncin |
| KPAG0001-1 | | Introduction to Physiotherapy, Introduction to Physiotherapy (Introduction à la kinésithérapie) - Amandine GOFFLOT | B1 | Q1 | 15 | - | - | 1 |
| | Introduction to Physiotherapy, Introduction to Physiotherapy (Introduction à la kinésithérapie) - Amandine GOFFLOT |
| KPAE0003-1 | | Mobilisation (part 1), Mobilisation (part 1) (Mobilisation (1ère partie)) - Bénédicte Bernard, Véronique Dalem, François De Bruycker, Laurent Jeanbaptiste, Laurent Piron, Christian Podlecki | B1 | Q1 | - | 50 | - | 5 |
| | Mobilisation (part 1), Mobilisation (part 1) (Mobilisation (1ère partie)) - Bénédicte Bernard, Véronique Dalem, François De Bruycker, Laurent Jeanbaptiste, Laurent Piron, Christian Podlecki |
| KPAF0001-1 | | Biology, Biology - Astrid Van Belle | B1 | Q1 | 40 | 8 | - | 3 |
| | Biology, Biology - Astrid Van Belle |
| KPBA0004-2 | | Palpatory Anatomy, Palpatory Anatomy (Anatomie palpatoire) - Sabrina Doyenard | B1 | Q1 | - | 8 | - | 2 |
| | Palpatory Anatomy, Palpatory Anatomy (Anatomie palpatoire) - Sabrina Doyenard |
| KPAH0001-1 | | Physiologie (1ère partie), Physiologie (1ère partie) (Physiologie (1ère partie)) - Marie-Christine Archambeau | B1 | Q1 | 20 | - | - | 1 |
| | Physiologie (1ère partie), Physiologie (1ère partie) (Physiologie (1ère partie)) - Marie-Christine Archambeau |
| KPBB0002-1 | | Biomechanics (Part 1), Biomechanics - François Tubez | B1 | Q2 | 15 | 10 | - | 3 |
| | Biomechanics (Part 1), Biomechanics - François Tubez |
| KPBC0003-1 | | Physiologie (2ème partie), Physiologie (2ème partie) - Marie-Christine Archambeau | B1 | Q2 | 52 | - | - | 3 |
| | Physiologie (2ème partie), Physiologie (2ème partie) - Marie-Christine Archambeau |
| KPBD0002-1 | | Psychomotricity, Psychomotricity - Marion Jourdan | B1 | Q2 | - | 15 | - | 2 |
| | Psychomotricity, Psychomotricity - Marion Jourdan |
| KPBE0002-1 | | Massotherapy, Massotherapy - Bénédicte Bernard, Véronique Dalem, Kévin Hoorens, Gilles Paulus, Laurent Piron, Christian Podlecki, Carl Poncin | B1 | Q2 | - | 50 | - | 4 |
| | Massotherapy, Massotherapy - Bénédicte Bernard, Véronique Dalem, Kévin Hoorens, Gilles Paulus, Laurent Piron, Christian Podlecki, Carl Poncin |
| KPBF0001-1 | | Biology, Biology - Astrid Van Belle | B1 | Q2 | 50 | 12 | - | 5 |
| | Biology, Biology - Astrid Van Belle |
| KPBG0002-1 | | Chimie et biochimie, Chimie et biochimie - Catherine Staudt | B1 | Q2 | 27 | 6 | - | 3 |
| | Chimie et biochimie, Chimie et biochimie - Catherine Staudt |
| KPBH0001-1 | | Pathology, Pathology - Caroline COLLARD | B1 | Q2 | 36 | - | - | 2 |
| | Pathology, Pathology - Caroline COLLARD |
| KPBI0001-1 | | Physics, Physics (Physique) - Cédric Troessaert | B1 | Q2 | 25 | 8 | - | 3 |
| | Physics, Physics (Physique) - Cédric Troessaert |
| KPXA0002-1 | | Education physique, Education physique - John Schmit | B1 | TA | - | 90 | - | 4 |
| | Education physique, Education physique - John Schmit |
| KDAD0001-1 | | Special Techniques, Special Techniques - Amandine GOFFLOT, Christian Podlecki, François Tubez - [66h Pr.] | B2 | TA | - | - | [+] | 5 |
| | Special Techniques, Special Techniques - Amandine GOFFLOT, Christian Podlecki, François Tubez - [66h Pr.] |
| KDAE0002-1 | | Vascular Anatomy/Neuroanatomy/Neurophysiology, Vascular Anatomy/Neuroanatomy/Neurophysiology - Marie-Christine Archambeau | B2 | Q1 | 90 | - | - | 7 |
| | Vascular Anatomy/Neuroanatomy/Neurophysiology, Vascular Anatomy/Neuroanatomy/Neurophysiology - Marie-Christine Archambeau |
| KDAF0002-1 | | Deontology and Ethics, Deontology and Ethics - Patricia Capelle - [4h Pr.] | B2 | Q1 | 8 | - | [+] | 1 |
| | Deontology and Ethics, Deontology and Ethics - Patricia Capelle - [4h Pr.] |
| KDAG0002-1 | | Palpatory Anatomy, Palpatory Anatomy - Hélène Beugnet | B2 | Q1 | - | 15 | - | 1 |
| | Palpatory Anatomy, Palpatory Anatomy - Hélène Beugnet |
| KDAH0002-1 | | Education physique et didactique, Education physique et didactique - John Schmit - [30h Pr.] | B2 | TA | - | - | [+] | 3 |
| | Education physique et didactique, Education physique et didactique - John Schmit - [30h Pr.] |
| KDAI0002-1 | | First Aid, First Aid - Elisabeth Graulich, Thomas Otte - [12h Mon. WS] | B2 | Q1 | - | - | [+] | 1 |
| | First Aid, First Aid - Elisabeth Graulich, Thomas Otte - [12h Mon. WS] |
| KDAJ0001-1 | | Biometrics, Biometrics - Sabrina Doyenard | B2 | Q1 | 12 | - | - | 1 |
| | Biometrics, Biometrics - Sabrina Doyenard |
| KDAK0001-1 | | Massage Therapy, Massage Therapy - Kévin Hoorens, Marion Jourdan, Carl Poncin | B2 | Q1 | - | 24 | - | 2 |
| | Massage Therapy, Massage Therapy - Kévin Hoorens, Marion Jourdan, Carl Poncin |
| KDAL0001-2 | | Mobilisation (2nd Part), Mobilisation (2nd Part) - Bénédicte Bernard, Amandine GOFFLOT, François Tubez | B2 | Q1 | - | 24 | - | 2 |
| | Mobilisation (2nd Part), Mobilisation (2nd Part) - Bénédicte Bernard, Amandine GOFFLOT, François Tubez |
| KDAM0001-1 | | Psychology, Psychology - Alisson Simon | B2 | Q1 | 12 | - | - | 1 |
| | Psychology, Psychology - Alisson Simon |
| KDAN0001-1 | | Psychopathological Revalidation, Psychopathological Revalidation - Alisson Simon | B2 | Q1 | 12 | - | - | 1 |
| | Psychopathological Revalidation, Psychopathological Revalidation - Alisson Simon |
| KDBJ0001-1 | | Research Methodology, Research Methodology - François Tubez - [4h Pr.] | B2 | Q1 | 8 | - | [+] | 2 |
| | Research Methodology, Research Methodology - François Tubez - [4h Pr.] |
| KDAO0001-1 | | Hygiene, Hygiene - Valérie Marteau - [2h Mon. WS] | B2 | Q2 | 10 | - | [+] | 1 |
| | Hygiene, Hygiene - Valérie Marteau - [2h Mon. WS] |
| KDBG0001-1 | | Geriatric Revalidation, Geriatric Revalidation - Amandine GOFFLOT | B2 | Q1 | 8 | 10 | - | 1 |
| | Geriatric Revalidation, Geriatric Revalidation - Amandine GOFFLOT |
| KDBA0002-1 | | Biomechanics, Biomechanics - François Tubez | B2 | Q2 | 24 | - | - | 3 |
| | Biomechanics, Biomechanics - François Tubez |
| KDBB0003-1 | | Paediatrics, Paediatrics - Laurent Kirsch | B2 | Q2 | 18 | - | - | 2 |
| | Paediatrics, Paediatrics - Laurent Kirsch |
| KDBC0002-1 | | Cardio Revalidation, Cardio Revalidation - Patrick Feiereisen | B2 | Q2 | 20 | - | - | 1 |
| | Cardio Revalidation, Cardio Revalidation - Patrick Feiereisen |
| KDBD0001-1 | | Paediatric Revalidation, Paediatric Revalidation - Gilles Paulus | B2 | Q2 | 8 | 10 | - | 2 |
| | Paediatric Revalidation, Paediatric Revalidation - Gilles Paulus |
| KDBE0001-1 | | Urogynaecological Revalidation, Urogynaecological Revalidation - Sabrina Doyenard | B2 | Q2 | 12 | - | - | 1 |
| | Urogynaecological Revalidation, Urogynaecological Revalidation - Sabrina Doyenard |
| KDBF0001-1 | | Respiratory Revalidation, Respiratory Revalidation - François De Bruycker | B2 | Q2 | 10 | 10 | - | 2 |
| | Respiratory Revalidation, Respiratory Revalidation - François De Bruycker |
| KDBH0001-1 | | Pathology, Pathology - Thomas Otte | B2 | Q2 | 36 | - | - | 2 |
| | Pathology, Pathology - Thomas Otte |
| KDBI0002-1 | | Hydrotherapy-Physiotherapy, Hydrotherapy-Physiotherapy (Hydrothérapie-Physiothérapie) - François Tubez | B2 | Q2 | 32 | - | - | 3 |
| | Hydrotherapy-Physiotherapy, Hydrotherapy-Physiotherapy (Hydrothérapie-Physiothérapie) - François Tubez |
| KDBK0001-1 | | Mechanotherapy, Mechanotherapy (Mécanothérapie) - Gilles Paulus, Christian Podlecki | B2 | Q2 | - | 12 | - | 1 |
| | Mechanotherapy, Mechanotherapy (Mécanothérapie) - Gilles Paulus, Christian Podlecki |
| KDAP0002-1 | | Raisonnement et enseignement clinique, Raisonnement et enseignement clinique - Sabrina Doyenard | B2 | TA | 12 | 12 | - | 3 |
| | Raisonnement et enseignement clinique, Raisonnement et enseignement clinique - Sabrina Doyenard |
| KTAA0003-1 | | Anatomy, Anatomy - Carl Poncin | B3 | TA | 15 | - | - | 2 |
| | Anatomy, Anatomy - Carl Poncin |
| KTAB0003-1 | | Pathology, Pathology - Olivier Bouquiaux | B3 | TA | 30 | - | - | 2 |
| | Pathology, Pathology - Olivier Bouquiaux |
| KTAD0002-1 | | Exercise Physiology, Exercise Physiology - François Tubez | B3 | TA | 15 | 15 | - | 2 |
| | Exercise Physiology, Exercise Physiology - François Tubez |
| KTAC0003-2 | | Onco-Algology - Palliative Care | B3 | TA | | | | 1 |
| | Onco-Algology - Palliative Care |
| | | - | Onco-Algology - Philippe Maquet | | | | 7 | - | - | |
| | Onco-Algology - Philippe Maquet |
| | | - | Palliative Care - Thomas Otte | | | | 6 | - | - | |
| | Palliative Care - Thomas Otte |
| KTAE0001-1 | | Neurological Revalidation, Neurological Revalidation - Amandine GOFFLOT, Isle Verstraete | B3 | TA | 48 | - | - | 3 |
| | Neurological Revalidation, Neurological Revalidation - Amandine GOFFLOT, Isle Verstraete |
| KTAF0001-2 | | Ergonomics / Handling / TP Anthropometry and Biometrics | B3 | TA | | | | 3 |
| | Ergonomics / Handling / TP Anthropometry and Biometrics |
| | | - | Ergonomics - Philippe Maquet | | | | 16 | - | - | |
| | Ergonomics - Philippe Maquet |
| | | - | Handling - Philippe Maquet | | | | 6 | 6 | - | |
| | Handling - Philippe Maquet |
| | | - | Anthropometry and Biometrics - Philippe Maquet | | | | 2 | 10 | - | |
| | Anthropometry and Biometrics - Philippe Maquet |
| KTAG0003-1 | | Law and Legislation, Law and Legislation - Patricia Capelle | B3 | TA | 12 | - | - | 1 |
| | Law and Legislation, Law and Legislation - Patricia Capelle |
| KTAH0002-1 | | Biostatistics, Biostatistics (Biostatistique) - Gauthier Dorban | B3 | TA | 30 | - | - | 3 |
| | Biostatistics, Biostatistics (Biostatistique) - Gauthier Dorban |
| KTAQ0001-1 | | Research Ethics, Research Ethics (Ethique de la recherche) - Gauthier Dorban | B3 | TA | 12 | - | - | 1 |
| | Research Ethics, Research Ethics (Ethique de la recherche) - Gauthier Dorban |
| KTAR0001-1 | | Introduction to English Literature, Research Methods (part2) - Gauthier Dorban, Denis Jacquemin - [12h Mon. WS, 12h Pr.] | B3 | TA | 12 | - | [+] | 3 |
| | Introduction to English Literature, Research Methods (part2) - Gauthier Dorban, Denis Jacquemin - [12h Mon. WS, 12h Pr.] |
| | Prerequisite
Prerequisite : |
KDBJ0001-1 - Méthodologie de la recherche |
| | | Prerequisite
Prerequisite : |
KDBJ0001-1 - Méthodologie de la recherche |
| KTAI0001-1 | | Palpatory Anatomy, Palpatory Anatomy - Hélène Beugnet | B3 | TA | - | 15 | - | 2 |
| | Palpatory Anatomy, Palpatory Anatomy - Hélène Beugnet |
| KTAJ0001-1 | | Imaging, Imaging - Laurent Kirsch | B3 | TA | 15 | - | - | 1 |
| | Imaging, Imaging - Laurent Kirsch |
| KTAK0001-1 | | Pharmacology, Pharmacology - Catherine Staudt | B3 | TA | 15 | - | - | 1 |
| | Pharmacology, Pharmacology - Catherine Staudt |
| KTAL0001-1 | | Relaxation, Relaxation - Anne Bouchat | B3 | TA | - | 15 | - | 1 |
| | Relaxation, Relaxation - Anne Bouchat |
| KTAM0002-1 | | Massage Therapy 1, Massage Therapy 1 (Massothérapie 1) - Gilles Paulus, Christian Podlecki | B3 | TA | - | 15 | - | 1 |
| | Massage Therapy 1, Massage Therapy 1 (Massothérapie 1) - Gilles Paulus, Christian Podlecki |
| KTAP0001-1 | | Massage Therapy 2, Massage Therapy 2 (Massothérapie 2) - Laurent Jeanbaptiste | B3 | TA | - | 15 | - | 1 |
| | Massage Therapy 2, Massage Therapy 2 (Massothérapie 2) - Laurent Jeanbaptiste |
| KTAN0001-1 | | General Psychology, General Psychology - Alisson Simon | B3 | TA | 12 | - | - | 2 |
| | General Psychology, General Psychology - Alisson Simon |
| KTAO0001-1 | | Communication Techniques, Communication Techniques - Étienne Mehu | B3 | TA | 12 | - | - | 1 |
| | Communication Techniques, Communication Techniques - Étienne Mehu |
| KTBA0002-3 | | Special Techniques, Special Techniques - Bénédicte Bernard, Sabrina Doyenard, Olivier Leduc, Laurent Piron, François Tubez | B3 | TA | 60 | - | - | 6 |
| | Special Techniques, Special Techniques - Bénédicte Bernard, Sabrina Doyenard, Olivier Leduc, Laurent Piron, François Tubez |
| KTBB0002-2 | | Clinical Teaching / Practicum, Clinical Teaching / Practicum - Véronique Dalem - [480h Internship] | B3 | TA | - | - | [+] | 22 |
| | Clinical Teaching / Practicum, Clinical Teaching / Practicum - Véronique Dalem - [480h Internship] |
| | PrerequisiteCorequisite
Prerequisite : |
KDBC0002-1 - Revalidation cardio |
KDBD0001-1 - Revalidation pédiatrique |
KDBE0001-1 - Revalidation uro-gynécologique |
KDBF0001-1 - Revalidation respiratoire |
KDBG0001-1 - Revalidation gériatrique |
KDAB0001-1 - Examens et bilans MI et rachis - Revalidation orthopédique MI |
KDAB0001-2 - Examens et bilans MI et rachis - Revalidation orthopédique MI |
KDAC0001-1 - Examens et bilans MS - Rééducation orthopédique MS |
KDAC0001-2 - Examens et bilans MS - Rééducation orthopédique MS |
Corequisite : |
KTBC0002-1 - Lieux de parole |
| | | PrerequisiteCorequisite
Prerequisite : |
KDBC0002-1 - Revalidation cardio |
KDBD0001-1 - Revalidation pédiatrique |
KDBE0001-1 - Revalidation uro-gynécologique |
KDBF0001-1 - Revalidation respiratoire |
KDBG0001-1 - Revalidation gériatrique |
KDAB0001-1 - Examens et bilans MI et rachis - Revalidation orthopédique MI |
KDAB0001-2 - Examens et bilans MI et rachis - Revalidation orthopédique MI |
KDAC0001-1 - Examens et bilans MS - Rééducation orthopédique MS |
KDAC0001-2 - Examens et bilans MS - Rééducation orthopédique MS |
Corequisite : |
KTBC0002-1 - Lieux de parole |
| KTBC0002-1 | | Places of Expression, Places of Expression - Hélène Beugnet | B3 | TA | 12 | - | - | 1 |
| | Places of Expression, Places of Expression - Hélène Beugnet |
| | PrerequisiteCorequisite
Prerequisite : |
KDAB0001-1 - Examens et bilans MI et rachis - Revalidation orthopédique MI |
KDAB0001-2 - Examens et bilans MI et rachis - Revalidation orthopédique MI |
KDAC0001-1 - Examens et bilans MS - Rééducation orthopédique MS |
KDAC0001-2 - Examens et bilans MS - Rééducation orthopédique MS |
KDBC0002-1 - Revalidation cardio |
KDBD0001-1 - Revalidation pédiatrique |
KDBE0001-1 - Revalidation uro-gynécologique |
KDBF0001-1 - Revalidation respiratoire |
KDBG0001-1 - Revalidation gériatrique |
Corequisite : |
KTBB0002-2 - Enseignement clinique / stages |
| | | PrerequisiteCorequisite
Prerequisite : |
KDAB0001-1 - Examens et bilans MI et rachis - Revalidation orthopédique MI |
KDAB0001-2 - Examens et bilans MI et rachis - Revalidation orthopédique MI |
KDAC0001-1 - Examens et bilans MS - Rééducation orthopédique MS |
KDAC0001-2 - Examens et bilans MS - Rééducation orthopédique MS |
KDBC0002-1 - Revalidation cardio |
KDBD0001-1 - Revalidation pédiatrique |
KDBE0001-1 - Revalidation uro-gynécologique |
KDBF0001-1 - Revalidation respiratoire |
KDBG0001-1 - Revalidation gériatrique |
Corequisite : |
KTBB0002-2 - Enseignement clinique / stages |
Optional courses
(B2 : 11Cr)
| Choose 2 courses amongst (depending on your group) :
(B2 : 11Cr)
| KDAB0001-1 | | Examinations and MI Reports and Spine - MI Orthopaedic Rehabilitation | B2 | Q1 | | | | 6 |
| | Examinations and MI Reports and Spine - MI Orthopaedic Rehabilitation |
| | | - | Examinations and MI Reports + Spine - Philippe Maquet - [20h Mon. WS] | | | | 16 | - | [+] | |
| | Examinations and MI Reports + Spine - Philippe Maquet - [20h Mon. WS] |
| | | - | MI Orthopaedic Revalidation - Laurent Piron - [30h Mon. WS] | | | | 15 | - | [+] | |
| | MI Orthopaedic Revalidation - Laurent Piron - [30h Mon. WS] |
| KDAB0001-2 | | Examinations and MI Reports and Spine - MI Orthopaedic Rehabilitation | B2 | Q2 | | | | 6 |
| | Examinations and MI Reports and Spine - MI Orthopaedic Rehabilitation |
| | | - | Examinations and MI Reports + Spine - Philippe Maquet - [20h Mon. WS] | | | | 16 | - | [+] | |
| | Examinations and MI Reports + Spine - Philippe Maquet - [20h Mon. WS] |
| | | - | MI Orthopaedic Revalidation - Laurent Piron - [30h Mon. WS] | | | | 15 | - | [+] | |
| | MI Orthopaedic Revalidation - Laurent Piron - [30h Mon. WS] |
| KDAC0001-1 | | MS Examinations and Reports - MS Orthopaedic Rehabilitation | B2 | Q1 | | | | 5 |
| | MS Examinations and Reports - MS Orthopaedic Rehabilitation |
| | | - | MS Examinations and Reports - Denis Jacquemin - [14h Mon. WS] | | | | 10 | - | [+] | |
| | MS Examinations and Reports - Denis Jacquemin - [14h Mon. WS] |
| | | - | MS Orthopaedic Rehabilitation - Bénédicte Bernard, Kévin Hoorens - [30h Mon. WS] | | | | 18 | - | [+] | |
| | MS Orthopaedic Rehabilitation - Bénédicte Bernard, Kévin Hoorens - [30h Mon. WS] |
| KDAC0001-2 | | MS Examinations and Reports - MS Orthopaedic Rehabilitation | B2 | Q2 | | | | 5 |
| | MS Examinations and Reports - MS Orthopaedic Rehabilitation |
| | | - | MS Examinations and Reports - Denis Jacquemin - [14h Mon. WS] | | | | 10 | - | [+] | |
| | MS Examinations and Reports - Denis Jacquemin - [14h Mon. WS] |
| | | - | MS Orthopaedic Rehabilitation - Bénédicte Bernard, Kévin Hoorens - [30h Mon. WS] | | | | 18 | - | [+] | |
| | MS Orthopaedic Rehabilitation - Bénédicte Bernard, Kévin Hoorens - [30h Mon. WS] |
Optional free courses
(B1 : 8Cr)
| REME0003-1 | | Remédiation-Méthodologie santé, Remédiation-Méthodologie santé - Valérie Jusseret, Audrey Lequeux, Patricia Pierson, Nathalie Van de Woestyne | B1 | TA | - | - | - | - |
| | Remédiation-Méthodologie santé, Remédiation-Méthodologie santé - Valérie Jusseret, Audrey Lequeux, Patricia Pierson, Nathalie Van de Woestyne |
| IMCI0001-1 | | Citizen Involvement in the Life of the Institution, Citizen Involvement in the Life of the Institution - Bénédicte Léonard - [90h AUTR] | B1 | TA | - | - | [+] | 3 |
| | Citizen Involvement in the Life of the Institution, Citizen Involvement in the Life of the Institution - Bénédicte Léonard - [90h AUTR] |
| IMCI0002-1 | | Implication citoyenne dans le développement durable , Implication citoyenne dans le développement durable (Implication citoyenne dans le développement durable) - Maxime Mottet | B1 | TA | 20 | 20 | - | 3 |
| | Implication citoyenne dans le développement durable , Implication citoyenne dans le développement durable (Implication citoyenne dans le développement durable) - Maxime Mottet |
| ERAS0001-1 | | Erasmus BIP, Erasmus Beep - Claire Collard | - | TA | - | - | - | 3 |
| | Erasmus BIP, Erasmus Beep - Claire Collard |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |